मंगलवार, 21 मार्च 2023

Prince Philip Biography Book Review

 Prince Philip Biography Review

"Prince Philip Revealed" is a biography of the late Duke of Edinburgh, written by Ingrid Seward. The book offers a detailed and intimate look at the life of one of the most well-known members of the British royal family, who passed away in 2021.

Seward's writing is engaging and informative, offering insights into the various roles that Prince Philip played throughout his life, from his early naval career to his later years as a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. The book delves into his personality, his relationships with other members of the royal family, and his impact on British society and culture.

One of the strengths of "Prince Philip Revealed" is its use of first-hand accounts and interviews with those who knew the Duke of Edinburgh well. Seward draws on these sources to paint a nuanced and complex portrait of a man who was often perceived as brusque and irascible, but who was also deeply committed to his family and his country.

Overall, "Prince Philip Revealed" is a well-written and thoroughly researched biography that offers valuable insights into the life and legacy of one of the most important figures in modern British history. Whether you are a royal watcher or simply interested in the history of the UK, this book is definitely worth reading.

रविवार, 12 जनवरी 2020

Goal Setting For Weight Loss By Running

We should always have goals. Whether it be for weight loss, running, our careers, to stop watching so much TV, or to read more, goals give us something for which to strive. While running to lose weight, it can help you with two achievements.

शुक्रवार, 10 जनवरी 2020

Eat what you want and lose weight: Nutrition coach Graeme Tomlinson’s top tips on how to enjoy shedding the pounds

Juice diet, low-carb, keto, clean eating, alkaline diet, fasting, low-fat, baby food… The list of fad diets promising weight loss miracles and quick fixes seems to go on and on.
January is a popular time to overhaul our eating habits, for obvious reasons, but 90% of us will abandon our chosen diet by the end of the month.

How to lose weight like this guy who lost 26 kgs with the help of a simple diet hack

To be able to lose weight in a simple and sustainable manner, you need to create and master a lucrative routine that’s a mix of eating healthy and working out daily. But how exactly can one go about creating this routine? We’ll let Anzal Mallick tell you. He recently lost 26 kgs and trimmed from a whopping 107 kgs to 81 kgs — courtesy of one such lucrative weight loss routine!

गुरुवार, 9 जनवरी 2020

If You Want To Lose Weight, Counting Macros Might Be Your Best Bet

Female leg stepping on weigh scales. Healthy lifestyle, food and sport concept.Many diets are all about what you can't eat in the name of weight loss (I'm looking at you, keto diet). But while they may work in the short term, deprivation doesn't necessarily lead to sustainable weight-loss results.
The macro diet is different. Instead of telling you what you can't eat, it encourages you to count nutrients in order to help you make smart food choices for a more flexible approach to dieting. Nothing is considered off-limits, per se—you’re just looking to stock up on good foods so you get the nutrients you need.

14 proven ways to lose weight without exercise, according to experts

14 proven ways to lose weight without exercise, according to experts
It’s a perennial question: Can you lose weight without exercise?
Let’s start with this: Exercise is terrific for your body and mind, in so many ways. It cuts down on your risk for a multitude of diseases and can lower your incidence of depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, as well as boost your energy, help you sleep and more. It can also help you get and keep a fitter, slimmer body. So exercise = health, and we should all move our bodies every day.